Looking for a unique and serene place to catch fish and camp? Check out Horseshoe Lake located very close to Yellowstone on the Cave Falls Road East of Ashton, ID. The lake is clear and beautiful with lily pads lining the banks giving the trout a place to hide and eat leeches and flies on the...
Eastern Idaho Lakes
Island Park Res: Try fishing neer Grizzly Springs, and Goose Nest #39. Olive Wooly Buggers size 6, and Gray Zonkers, same size. Come see us at Premier Fly Fishing in Ashton , Three Rivers Ranchy Driggs, and Orvis Island Park to pick up your Island Park Res Flies.
Eastern Idaho Lakes
Some good fish being caught along the rock ledges on Streamers. Olive and Gray zonkers seem to be the best. Neer the boat dock there has been some midges and BWO's.. 12 -14 inch fish being caught on the surface. #18 parachute adams and #20 zebra midge droppers. The caddis are right around the...
Eastern Idaho Lakes