Submitted by Brandon Huerta on
I love winter. Not because I particularly like the cold. Because the vast majority of the people who fly fish don't like the cold. Or a least don't like to fish in it. Which takes me to the reason I love winter. The river is all yours, for the most part. I spent a day on the river a few days back and even though the conditions were horrible, cold and windy, the fish were happy. I fished a few of my favorite slow water sections ( I stay away from the shallows this time of the year with all the sex crazy male browns swimming around and grumpy new momma browns doing there thing). I spend my winters throwing big nasty streamers for big brutes. Nymphing will bring in more fish for you, but those streamers will put a bigger smile on your face. No special pattern any big streamer will do, some better than others on certain days but they all work well. Couple patterns I would recommend: double bunnies, maribou leeches, buggers, and don't forget clousers. So as far as the fishing on this day about the only word that comes to mind is STUPID. There are not very many days I leave the river before the sun says thats enough but after you loose count, your hands are numb, and well you just are flat satisfied! I left!!! My point is go out and fish. The weather might suck but fish still have to eat and if you don't want to feed them I will.